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Personal Information Collection Statement
BEYOND WOMEN FEST undertakes to comply with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to ensure that personal data kept are accurate and secured. Your personal information (including your name, email address, etc) may be used by BEYOND WOMEN FEST for the purposes of sending expo updates, event invitations, surveys and other communication and marketing materials to you via telephone, post and/or emails. If you do not wish to receive any communication from us, please email your full name in both Chinese and English, together with your telephone number to our staff at For any enquiries, please contact us at 3520 3638.
BEYOND WOMEN FEST 會遵守及履行個人資料(私隱)條例之規定,並確保你的個人資料的準確性及安全性。你的個人資料(包括你的姓名、電郵地址)或會被本博覽透過電話/郵寄/電子郵件,用作聯絡通訊、推廣活動、研究調查及其他通訊及推廣之用途。若你希望停止接收本博覽上述各項資訊,請將中英文全名及電話號碼,電郵予btebeyondwomen@gmail.com以安排相關刪除手續。如有查詢,請致電3520 3638與職員聯絡。